Preparing for 2nd Annual “Tee Off for T-Cells” Golf Tournament

The second annual "Tee Off for T-Cells" charity golf tournament is fast approaching! Although a whole year has passed, it still seems like such a short time ago...

Celebrating 4-Years Cancer Free!

Today Emily is officially 4-years cancer free! Each year taking this milestone cancer free photo just gets even more exciting!

T-Cell Therapy: 4 Years and 100 Patients Later

As of this week, it has been four years since Emily received her T-cells. Emily was the first pediatric patient to receive T-cell therapy, and we are happy to report she was not the last.

Centre Gives

On May 3rd & 4th, the Emily Whitehead Foundation will participate in Centre Gives, a 36-hour online giving event sponsored by Centre Foundation!

The Launch of Sean Parker’s Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy

On April 13, it was announced that Sean Parker, known for his involvement in starting Napster and Facebook, had donated $250 million to cancer immunotherapy research. We were honored to be invited by Parker to be present for the launch of this amazing new initiative.

World Cancer Day 2016: We Can. I Can.

Today, February 4, marks national World Cancer Day. It is a day to recognize our power to make a difference in preventing cancer and improving...

Emily Whitehead Foundation “Take Down Cancer” Wrestling Fundraiser

February 2, 2016 marks the first ever "Takedown Cancer" wrestling match honoring all of those who have fought cancer.

Emily Whitehead Foundation: Our First Year

It has already been exactly one year since the Emily Whitehead Foundation launch — and what an incredible year it has been!

HBO VICE Special Report: Killing Cancer to Highlight T-Cell Therapy Research

Tune in tonight (Friday, February 27th) on HBO at 10:00pm to see the VICE Special Report: Killing Cancer. The report shows how researchers are using viruses - such as the common cold, measles and H.I.V. - to treat various types of cancers.

The Emily Whitehead Foundation Launches to Support Pediatric Cancer Research

Philipsburg, Pa (Jan. 27, 2015) – Nearly three years after being the first child in the world to receive an experimental T-cell therapy at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) to save her from a life-threatening cancer, nine-year-old Emily Whitehead and her parents launch the Emily Whitehead Foundation.

Why Start the Emily Whitehead Foundation?

We know what it is like to have cancer try to take away our child multiple times. We have witnessed Emily suffer through some of...


Welcome to the Emily Whitehead Foundation! We officially launch the foundation in January 2015 - watch for an announcement!