Genetically Modified T-cells in Treating Patients With Recurrent or Refractory Malignant Glioma
Brain / CNS Tumors
Brain / CNS Tumors
Age Group
10-17 years 18-26 years 27 years and older
10-17 years 18-26 years 27 years and older

IL13Rα2-specific, hinge-optimized, 41BB-costimulatory CAR/truncated CD19-expressing Autologous T lymphocytes
Trial Summary & Details
Ages: 12 Years to 75 Years
Condition: Malignant Glioma, Refractory Brain Neoplasm, Recurrent Brain Neoplasm, Glioblastoma
Condition: Malignant Glioma, Refractory Brain Neoplasm, Recurrent Brain Neoplasm, Glioblastoma
This phase I trial studies the side effects and best dose of genetically modified T-cell immunotherapy in treating patients with malignant glioma that has come back (recurrent) or has not responded to therapy (refractory). A T cell is a type of immune cell that can recognize and kill abnormal cells in the body. T cells are taken from the patient’s blood and a modified gene is placed into them in the laboratory and this may help them recognize and kill glioma cells. Genetically modified T-cells may also help the body build an immune response against the tumor cells.
City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, CA
City of Hope Medical Center, National Cancer Institute (NCI), Gateway for Cancer Research, Mustang Bio, Inc.
City of Hope Medical Center, National Cancer Institute (NCI), Gateway for Cancer Research, Mustang Bio, Inc.